Shop – Blended Families Network Supporting Blended/step families to establish and sustain successful family relations through parenting classes(Couple/Individual) & Premarital Counseling. Fri, 06 Oct 2023 14:53:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Healing Childhood Wounds Fri, 06 Oct 2023 14:53:09 +0000

This course is designed to help you heal from the wounds you experienced during your childhood and to move forward with a greater sense of wholeness and well-being. 

 It is designed to help individuals understand and overcome the emotional scars of their childhood experiences. We will focus on identifying the root cause of childhood wounds, and then provide practical tools and strategies to heal and move forward.

Step Mum Wisdom Wed, 04 Oct 2023 14:21:17 +0000

Are you a step-mum or about to be a step-mum?. Truth be told – step mum’s job is one of the most negatively stereotyped and complex roles. Nevertheless, step-mums can acquire effective ways to LIVE, LOVE & PARENT with the right skill, attitudes, truths, and support. Step-motherhood does not need to break you.

I have been a step mum for over twenty years and still counting. So I know it’s a complex role. By combining my experience as a step mum and skills as a Psychologist/Counselor/LifeCoach, I created this e-course to support you in our stepmotherhood journey. The Step Mum Wisdom e-course will help you find your balance in this challenging role without losing yourself.

Who this is for:

Step mums who want to be equipped and be better in their role

Step mums who are overwhelmed, feeling helpless and on the verge of giving up

Women about to be step mums

New step mums

Your Takeaway at the end

• Gain clarity and understanding about your step mum role

• Build emotionally healthy relationships with your stepkids

• Alleviate your step mum’s stress & anxiety.

· Set boundaries that work for you

• Become intentional and proactive about your role instead of being reactionary to what the society says or what happens in your house.

• Appreciate your  inbuilt strengths and resources that will help you in your step mum’s journey

• Reduce the resentfulness and jealousy that comes with an un-empowered step mum

• Be secure in yourself and be in control of your life

• Be part of a support group community for step mums.

• Improve your marital relationship.

Step Mum Wisdom Sun, 06 Aug 2023 10:18:53 +0000

Are you a step-mum or about to be a step-mum?. Truth be told – step mum’s job is one of the most negatively stereotyped and complex roles. Nevertheless, step-mums can acquire effective ways to LIVE, LOVE & PARENT with the right skill, attitudes, truths, and support. Step-motherhood does not need to break you.

I have been a step mum for over twenty years and still counting. So I know it’s a complex role. By combining my experience as a step mum and skills as a Psychologist/Counselor/LifeCoach, I created this e-course to support you in our stepmotherhood journey. The Step Mum Wisdom e-course will help you find your balance in this challenging role without losing yourself.

Who this is for:

Step mums who want to be equipped and be better in their role

Step mums who are overwhelmed, feeling helpless and on the verge of giving up

Women about to be step mums

New step mums

Your Takeaway at the end

• Gain clarity and understanding about your step mum role

• Build emotionally healthy relationships with your stepkids

• Alleviate your step mum’s stress & anxiety.

· Set boundaries that work for you

• Become intentional and proactive about your role instead of being reactionary to what the society says or what happens in your house.

• Appreciate your  inbuilt strengths and resources that will help you in your step mum’s journey

• Reduce the resentfulness and jealousy that comes with an un-empowered step mum

• Be secure in yourself and be in control of your life

• Be part of a support group community for step mums.

• Improve your marital relationship.

Healing Childhood Wounds Mon, 19 Jun 2023 04:22:15 +0000

This course is designed to help you heal from the wounds you experienced during your childhood and to move forward with a greater sense of wholeness and well-being. 

 It is designed to help individuals understand and overcome the emotional scars of their childhood experiences. We will focus on identifying the root cause of childhood wounds, and then provide practical tools and strategies to heal and move forward.

Positive Co-parenting Thu, 26 May 2022 09:39:34 +0000

Welcome to the Positive Co-parenting e-course. Parenting with your ex can be a real struggle. If the struggles are not handled well, the children suffer at the end of the day. Yet these children had no part in the decision that caused your separation.


This e-course is here to support you in your co-parenting journey. Your wellness is vital since you are an important part of your child’s life. Therefore, in this e-course, you will learn ways to heal yourself first because a wounded parent wounds their child(ren).


At the core of co-parenting is your child; therefore, you will also learn to be the parent your child needs. Parents’ divorce/separation is traumatic for child(ren), and your child(ren) needs to be well supported. This course will help you learn and equip you to do this.


Lastly, we will learn more about strategies for positive co-parenting that will help your child to heal and to thrive even though you are no longer together as a couple.
